The fluid world can teach us the art of ease, adaptation and receptivity in action. The dance of water is showing us how to soften to flow, to breathe in gesture and to surrender with grace. In this advanced water retreat, you will be invited to dance yourself deep, to move your body and soul according to the present moment and to explore your personal and living relationship to aquatic movement.
Goals: - liven up your body and raise your sensory awareness, reconnect you to whatever wants to express more fully in your life - help you to connect you to yourself and others in full awareness - melt together in the silence of meditation, inhaling the time that unfolds infinitely in every cell
Approach: Alone, in duets or in the group, you will nourish yourself through touch, movement and playful interactions. Somatic explorations, dance improvisations in the 34°C pool and outdoor and labs will be doorways to explore personal themes in a relaxed atmosphere.